U.S. Air Force Fighter W/ propeller movement, w/ box, *Wolverine Mystery tin press down w/up car, 12 1/2" long, red w black trim, 1937, metal, gray wooden wheels, *Rocket Ship #2 Tom Corbett Space Cadet, *Marx 1936 sedan car, green w/silver wooden wheels, 10" long, w/up, pressed metal, *Japan Clown Tin 50’s, Box and Accessories, *Wyandotte Bus 1937, blue and red, large, *Robby The Robot, Black, wind-up, Sparkling, *Truck Train Set, Army Military, 30’s, 5 pieces, *Service Truck, 1930’s, red w/ white black and blue headlights and grill, *TradeMark, #63, Hurricane motorcyclist, large, 12",b/o, w/box, Japan, *Alpine Station, German, big, 3-pieces, 50’s, *Cable Car Ride, German, w/ box, 3 pieces, 50’s, *Submarine 517 battery operated, remote control, *Chain Merry Go Round, Merry-Go-Round Truck, 1950’s, *1947 Kick Tracey Remote Control, battery operated, Japan, *River Boat Mississippi Queen river boat, battery operated Japan, *Hop A Long Cassidy gun and holster, *Early 50’s Windup Tin Soldier w/ box, *U.S. Army Multi-Action Tank M-4, w/ box, Japan, 50’s, *Racer large, Wyandotte, red
*Coal Mining Set-Up Western Germany, w/ box and cars, *Bullfighter Early 50’s, Japan, wind-up
*Southern Express Train Japan, *Moonrocket w/ Astronaut on roof, battery operated Japan, w/ box, *Marx P-47 1937, *Japan Solar X-7 Rickest Ship, 60’s, battery operated, w/ box, *Crain Lumar 50’s, USA, *Electric Remote Control Car 1950’s, Blue, complete w/ box,**Honeymoon Express 1930’s, Marx, *Motorcycle India, 1950’s, w/ box, *Pickannany Wind Mill Black, *Buick, Musical battery operated, Japan, 1952, *Side Winder Sheriff battery operated Remote Control, Japan, *Robot w/ wings and gun in chest, Japan, yellow cap, red shoes, *Talking Parot PeteJapan, 50’s, *Racer late 40’s, #2, red, orange, blue, U.S. Zone Germany, wind-up, *Gas Station Texaco, Russian, 1950’s, *Shell Gas Station with 2 cars and box
*Captain Video, Super Sonic Space original box, *Space Ship Buck Rogers, 1933, iron, Wyandotte, *B&S wind-up Turkey U.S. Zone Germany, with box, *Turkey late 40’s, U.S. Zone Germany, wind-up, large, tin, with box, *Robbie The Robot from Forbidden Plant in a 6" V-3 tin tank, lat 50’s, Japan (?), as *is w/up bump & go, *Donald Duck w/ Pluto Sun Rubber Car 1950’s ?, Donald Duck, with Pluto, Sun Rubber, *Circus Truck Japan, *Old Timer Car Red, Japanese, battery operated, *Mr. Robot no son, w/ box, Japan, *Robot Man Charcoal black, red shoes, man’s face in chest, Japan, 1950’s, *Neptune box ?, battery operated Japan ship, x-large, *Wyandotte Philwood Bros. Made in Canada, *City Car Set large, tin, board, w/ box, *Motorcycle Cop Marx, 1930’s, small tin, wind-up, *Cattle Truck 1937, red cab and green trailer, 24" long, Wyandotte, *Policeman on Motorcycle 1930’s, cast iron, Gragstor ,*Ford Station Wagon extra large, green, 1959, friction, *Alburn Racer 1930’s, Arcade, cast iron, *The Rifleman Rifle by Hubley, 1960’s, *Marx Fire Chief Car w/siren, w/box, metal, friction motor, red body *w/black roof
*Glider Gun Aeromatic, in red box, *Arcade Bus cast iron, 5" long, 1930’s, poor paint but good piece, *German Elephant On Scooter US Zone Germany, *Elephant on Scooter U.S., Zone Germany, w/ white tires and ribbons, *battery operated Fire Truck w/ driver Japan, round tanker on back, *battery operated Fire Truck Japan, w/ hoses and fireman, *Space Ball Blowing Car Hungarian, blue and silver, 16" long, battery operated, w/ box, *Bandai Baby Blue 1969 mustang(can see engine inside) battery *operated Japan, *Motorcycle rider Paya ref. 922 motocarrera 1930 , Spain with box, *Flat Bed Truck Hubley, 30’s, yellow w/ white wheels
*Tow Truck 1918, Wyandotte?, *Dump Truck Wyandotte, red, 1920’s, *Dump Truck Metal Craft, red w/ black and cream wheels, early 30’s, *Flash Gordon Solar Commander space ship, 3 space soldiers on original display card, *early 50’s, King Kong wind-up, Japan, Silver Trotter w/cart & rider, 10", cast iron, 1920’s, Pony Blimp cast iron, late 30’s-40’s, Dart Game Sambo Gun, by Wyandotte, with bulls eye and point squares, with gun and 2 darts, Marx Ferdinand The Bull, tin, 1938, W.D. Ent., w/up, Wyandotte press metal, green airplane w/white wheels, 1947, 10" long, 13" wing span, Carrier Truck U.S. Army anti-aircraft, grey, Japan, Train Marx, yellow, Union Pacific, wind-up, 50’s German Gas Station w/ Windup Car and Box, Live Stock Truck green and red, w/ box, 2 cows, Bandye, Volkswagon Japan, battery operated, Jerry Mahonee V. Puppet, Mountain Express Train Silver, battery operated, Japan, Moutain Express Train Japan, red, wind-up Airplane, String Flyer 1930’s, FA-985 Sparkling Jet 1950’s, w/ box, wind tip balaces
Sparkling X081 Space Patroler Flying Saucer Japan, battery operated, Gold, Patrol Car 7 black, red, and white, w/ machine gun, late 40’s, Racer M-N.Y.-USA?, red, zeppelin, 50’s, Playset Dr. Who, large box, 25th Anniversary, Flat Bed Truck Hubley, 1930’s, cast iron, red w/ green
Roy Rogers 6 Shooter, Flying Saucer 1950’s, X-80, plant explorer, Japan, by TM, B10
Boat Clown in Tin, wind-up, with animals on side, by KO Toy Co., Japan, 1950’s, Rocket Space Ship 9" long, 4" wide, #305, red w/white trim, 1950’s, made in Japan, Dump Truck Marx, red and yellow, 30’s, Line Map med. Huckleberry hound, w/up, Japan, 1961, Hanna-Barbera Co., Santa chopper 1962, w/ box, Gold tom gun Marx, Corbett Flashlight Space, Fire Truck 2 piece, cabin trailer, long tin ladder, F80 US Air Force Airplane 50’s, w/ box, Reclaim Jeep Jupiter w/ dumper trailer, blue and cream top, F, Japan, Soldiers and Nurses group of 7, WWI, iron, Airplane A.A., silver, NC-16060, Marx, Peacock w/up, tin, med.-large, main colors of glue & gold, made in U.S. Zone, Germany, Car blue, future, small, by Tootsie Toy, Willys Jeep Marx, Bullfighter Japanese<br>
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