International Harvester: |
450 SN# 1590 S, standard, gas, adjustable wide front, cast hubs, torque amplifer, fast Hitch, pto, hydraulics, engine# 1505, 6-16SL front tires, Firestone 15.5-38 rear tires |
450 SN# 13425S narrow front, gas, lights, hydraulics, pto, TA, engine# 10420, MDG 6-16SL front tires 60% tread with weather checking, Agripower 14.9-38 rear tires 70% tread with weather checking |
400 SN# 25650 narrow front, gas, lights, pto, split rear weights, torque amplifer, hydraulics, engine# 159283, 6-16 front tires 50% tread with weather checking, Deep cleat 15.5-38 rear tires 65% tread with weather checking |
400 SN# 23485 narrow front, gas, lights, TA, pto, 3 point with fast hitch, Maxi-trac 6-16 front tires 60% tread, Firestone 15.5-38 rear tires 65% rear tires, engine# 138821 |
350 SN# 2273 adjustable wide front, pto, TA, 2 point with fast hitch, No tach, No steering wheel insert, Harvest King 6-16 front tires 40% tread with weather checking, Safemark 12.4-38 rear tires 80% tread, |
350 SN# 13031 narrow front, gas, lights, TA, fast Hitch, belt pulley, Tach reads 3503, Homemade drawbar, 1 set of solid & 1 set of split rear wheel weights, Alliance 13.6-38 rear tires 95% tread, Maxi-Trac 6-16 70% tread with weather checking |
300 SN# 25882 narrow front, gas, lights, pto, hydraulics, 1 set of rear wheel weights, TA, 5.5-16 front tires 50% tread, Goodyear 11-38 rear tires 50% tread with weather checking, Tach reads 5840 |
240 SN# 2680 J adjustable wide front, fenders, lights, pto, fast hitch, Tach reads 2548, Power mark 12.4-36 rear tires 95% tread, Firestone 5-15 front tires 80% tread |
200 SN# 7581 J adjustable wide front, fenders , lights, fast hitch, 1 set of rear and 1 set of front weights, Stomil 5-15 front tires with 85% tread, like new Titan 13.9-36, engine# 15007 |
200 SN# 2220 J narrow front, lights, pto, fast hitch, engine# 4962, Huskee 5-15 front tires have weather checking, 11.2-36 rear tires(1 new, 1 70% tread with weather checking) |
Super M-TA SN# 74400 S narrow front, gas, lights, pto, hydraulics, 2 sets of rear wheel weights, 6.5-16SL front tires 70% tread with weather checking, Co-op Agrimaster 15.5-38 rear tires 35% tread with weather checking |
Super M-TA SN# 72949S narrow front, lights, hydraulics, pto, 3 point no top link, belt pulley, engine# 126548, Safemark 14.9-38 rear tires 50% tread with weather checking, 6-16 front tires 70% tread with weather checking |
Super M SN# L 509922 J narrow front, lights, pto, hydraulics, 1 set of rear weights, like new 6-16 front tires, Delta 13.6-38 rear tires 60% tread with weather checking |
Super M SN# L 504887 J narrow front, lights, pto, 1 set of rear weights, hydraulics, MDS Sure Trac 6-16SL 70% tread with weather checking, Harvest King 13.6-38 rear tires 75% tread |
Super H SN# 17366 narrow front, lights, pto, 1 set of rear weights, like new Denman 6-16 front tires, like new Alliance 12.4-38 rear tires, |
Super H SN# 26576 J narrow front, gas, lights, cast hubs, pto, 1 set of rear weights, Mcreary Farm 5.5-16SL front tires, like new Firestone 12.4-38 rear tires |
Super C SN# 102229 narrow front, 1 set of rear weights, pto Harvest King 5-15, Powermark 12.4-36 |
M SN# FBK 262861 narrow front, lights, pto, belt pulley, engine# FBKM 251861 X1, like new Firestone 6-16 front tires, Kelly 13.6-38 rear tires has weather checking |
M SN# FBK 227238 X1 narrow front, lights, 2 sets of rear wheel weights, pto, engine# FBKM 218238 X1, Dunlop 6-16 front tires 70% tread with weather checking, Power Mark 15.5-38 rear tires 80% tread |
M SN# FBK 158235 X2 Single front wheel, lights, hydraulics, pto, 9-10 front tires 60% tread, Goodyear 14.9-38 rear tires 60% tread with weather checking, engine# 153536 |
M SN# FBK 11338 adjustable wide front, lights, 1 set of rear weights, pto, belt pulley, engine # FBK 11338, Firestone 6-16 front tires with 95% tread, General 13.6-38 rear tires 45% tread with weather checking, |
H SN# FBH 379634 X1 narrow front, lights, pto, 2 sets of rear weights, like new Denman 6-16 front tires, Duralon 12.4-38 rear tires 75% tread |
H narrow front, gas, lights, cast hubs, pto, belt pulley, 1 set of inside rear weights, Powermark 12.4-38 rear tires, |
H SN# FBH 275716 narrow front, older repaint, lights, pto, Huskee 6-16 front tires 80% tread weather checking, 12.4-38 rear tires 90% weather checking, |
F-20 narrow front, round spoke F&H front wheels, rear cut offs, belt pulley, like new BKT 12.4-36 rear tires, Co-op 6-16 front tires 80% tread with weather checking, No tag |
Cub SN# 43898 Sickle mower, adjustable wide front, front wheel weights, Nanco 4-12 front tires 60% tread, Goodyear 8.3-24 rear tires 60% tread, front axle has been welded but has new crack forming |
B SN# FAB 80646 narrow front, fenders, lights, pto, rear wheel weights, belt pulley, Maxi-Trac 5-15 70% tread with weather checking, B.F. Goodrich 11.2-24 70% tread with weather checking, |
WD-9 SN# WDCB 65799 W12B standard, lights, fenders, pto, 1 set of rear wheel weights, Goodyear 7.5-18 front tires, Firestone 16.9-34 rear tires 85% tread |
W-9 SN# WCB 42490W12B standard, fenders, lights, pto, 1 set of rear wheel weights, belt pulley, like new Akuret 7.5-18 front tires, like new Akuret 16.9-34 rear tires |
WD-6 SN# 5219 J standard, fenders, lights, pto, hydraulics, 1 set of inside rear weights, like new Deestone 7.5-18 front tires, Titan 16.9-30 65% tread with weather checking |
W-6 SN# WBK 43879 standard, fenders, lights, pto, engine #3487, Co-op 6-16 front tires have weather checking, Goodyear 16.9-30 rear tires |
W-6 SN# WBK 40620 standard, fenders, lights, pto, 2 sets of rear weights, like new Denman 6-16 front tires, like new Titan 16.9-30 rear tires |
W-400 SN# 3272 S, standard, diesel, adjustable wide front, torque amplifer, pto, fenders, lights, hydraulics, like new Carlisle 7.50L -15SL front tires, Goodyear 13.6-38 rear tires 90% tread, Platform will be sold separately |
W-4 SN# WBH 28318 W1 standard, fenders, lights, pto, 1 set of rear wheel weights, belt pulley, like new Denman Farm Hand 6-16 front tires, Goodyear 14.9-26 90% tread with weather checking |
W-4 SN# 12445 standard, fenders, pto, belt pulley, 1 set of rear weights, Has crank, Kelly 6-16 front tires 30% tread, Armstrong 14.9-26 rear tires 65% |
Ford: |
5000 SN# C297000 adjustable wide front, diesel, fenders, lights, pto, 3 front slab weights, 3 point no top link, Firestone 7.5L-15 front tires, Eastone 15.5-38 rear tires on spin out rims |
4000 SN# C347147 adjustable wide front, diesel, fenders, lights, pto, 3 point no top link, front tractor 6.5-16 front tires, Harvest King 13.6-38 rear tires on spin out rims, Rim has been repaired around stem |
40 SN# CGM 40I1695 fenders, lights, pto, brush guard, 3 point no top link, hydraulics, MDG 6.5-16SL front tires 70% with weather checking, Titan 13.6-38 rear tires 90% on spin out rims |
8N SN# 16993 brush guard, fenders, lights, pto, Tach reads 650, 3 point no top link, Farmland 6-16 front tires, Stomil 11.2-28 rear tires |
801 Powermaster SN# 157948 fenders, lights, pto, brush guard, 3 point no top link, adjustable rear rims, Harvest King 6-16 front tires 20% tread with weather checking, Firestone 13.6-28 rear tires 50% tread with weather checking |
Ferguson SN# 57970 fenders, lights, pto, 3 point no top link, like new Farm King 5.5-16 front tires, Stomil 11.2-28 rear tires |
John Deere: |
830 SN# 8303442, standard, diesel, Power steering, lights, fenders, pto, hydraulics, Electric start, Tach reads 1580 hours, like new Firestone 7.5-18 front tires, like new Firestone 20.8-34 rear tires, |
730-D SN# 7320379 adjustable wide front, diesel, fenders, lights, pto, Power steering, 3 point with top link, hydraulics, like new Akuret 7.5-16, like new BKT 15.5-38 on cast hubs |
630 SN# 6309693 narrow front, gas, fenders, lights, Power steering, pto, 3 point no top link, hydraulics, Missing air stack, Roll-o-matic front end, front tractor 6.5-16, B.F. Goodrich 14.9-38 rear tires has weather checking |
530 SN# 530659 narrow front, pto, lights, Maxi-Trac 7.5-15 80% tread with weather checking, like new Mitas 12.4-36 rear tires, Tach reads 3929 |
430-W SN#145075, adjustable wide front, gas, fenders, lights, pto, 2 point, hydraulics, like new Firestone 6-16 front tires, Farmland 13.6-28 rear tires |
430-W SN# 158544 adjustable wide front, gas, pto, 3 point no top link, lights, Firestone 6-16, Goodyear 10-34 |
430-T SN# 155354 narrow front, fenders, lights, pto, Dual Touch-o-matic, 3 point with top link, like new Harvest King 6-16 front tires, like new Cambridge 13.6-28 rear tires on spin out rims |
620 SN# 6206498 narrow front, fenders, lights, pto, Powr-Trol, Power steering, hydraulics, Harvest King 6-16 front tires 95% tread, Huskee 13.6-38 rear tires 90% tread |
70-D SN# 7029999 narrow front, diesel, Pony start, lights, pto, Power Steering, hydraulics, like new front Tractor 7.5-15L front tires, Co-op 15.5-38 has weather checking |
70 SN# 7008506 narrow front, lights, pto, hydraulics, LTR 6-16 front tires 70% tread, Safemark 18.4-38 rear tires 40% tread with weather checking |
60 SN# 6046097, narrow front, gas, older restoration, lights, pto, cast hubs, 6-16 front tires, 15.5-38 rear tires, |
60 SN# 6014354 narrow front, lights, 3 point, pto, like new Denman 6-16, like new Safemark 13.6-38 |
50 SN# 5008853 narrow front, lights, pto, Powr-Trol, Roll-o-matic, Gateway 5.5-15 70% tread with weather checking, Armstrong 12.4-38 with 95% tread |
40-S SN# 6227? gas, adjustable wide front, fenders, lights, pto, 3 point with top link, Uniroyal 5-15SL front tires, Huskee 11.2-24 rear tires have weather checking |
G SN# G36962 adjustable wide front, fenders, lights, pto, like new Harvest King 6-16 front tires, like new Agri-Power 13.6-38 rear tires |
G SN# 50958 narrow front, lights, Roll-o-matic front end, pto, Powr-Trol, like new Denman 6-16, Goodyear 13.6-38 rear tires 40% tread with weather checking |
D SN# 151994 fenders, pto, round spokes front rims, cast centers on rear, lights, like new Deestone 7.5-16, Goodyear 18.4-30 rear tires |
B SN# B265225 Styled, lights, pto, Homemade 3 point no top link, Powr-Trol, Roll-o-matic front end, General 5.5-16SL front tires 70% tread with weather checking, Harvest King 11.2-38 rear tires with 85% tread |
B SN# 53274 Unstyled, narrow front, pto, 5-15 front tires 45% tread with weather checking, Goodyear 11.2-36 rear tires 85% tread with weather checking, |
A SN# 676705 Styled, lights, pto, Electric Start, Powr-Trol, Roll-o-matic front end,6-16SL front tires (1 like new, 1 60% tread), Kelly 13.6-38 rear tires 80% tread |
A SN# 469314 Unstyled, narrow front, rear cut off rims, pto, Umbrella mount, like new Cambridge 9.5-36 rear tires, Bedford 5.5-16 front tires have weather checking |
MT SN# 16633, adjustable wide front, fenders, 3 point with top link, pto, like new Firestone 5.5-15, Armstrong 11.2-34 has weather checking |
Manure Spreader Converted into parade wagon with bench seats, round spoke rims, Flashers |
Massey Harris: |
44 SN# 14214 wide front, gas, fenders, lights, pto, Manifold cracked on both arms, like new Harvest Kings 7.5-18SL front tires, like new Alliance 14.9-30 rear tires |
30 SN# 115979 narrow front, gas, fenders, lights, pto, hydraulics, 3 point no top link, 5-15SL front tires (1 like new), Premium 11.2-38 has weather checking |
30 SN# G143755 narrow front, fenders, lights, pto, 3 point with top link, like new Firestone 5-15 front tires, Goodyear 11-38 rear tires 30% tread |
Minneapolis Moline: |
4 Star SN# 16602494 adjustable wide front, gas, fenders, lights, pto, hydraulics, 3 point with top link, Tru-steer 6.5-15SL, Safemark 13.6-38 rear tires on spin out rims |
UTS SN# 124801235 wide front, gas, fenders, lights, pto, cast centers, like new Denman Farm Hand 6-16 front tires, Armstrong 16.9-30 rear tires, Crack in manifold |
New Holland: |
Boomer 8N SN# 29D8N0344 with Bucket diesel, 24 hours, brush guard, Roll bar, 3 point with top link, pto, lights |
Boomer 8N SN# 29D8N0496 diesel, 85 hours, brush guard, Roll bar, 3 point with top link, pto, lights |
Oliver: |
1850 SN# 192045427 adjustable wide front, diesel, fenders, lights, pto, 3 point no top link, Hydra-Power, Dual remote, Uniroyal 11L-15SL front tires, Barum 18.4-34 rear tires |
1650 SN# 193436 wide front, diesel, Hydra-Power, 2 point, pto, Dual remote, fenders, lights, Harvest Kings 7.5-18SL front tires 65% with weather checking, Harvest King 15.5-38 rear tires 90% tread |
Kubota: |
RTV900 4X4 diesel, Power steering, Hitch, brush guard, Dump bed, 751 hours, Windshield |
60’ windmill with oversized blades, stainless and galvanized milk cans, De Laval #17 cream separator, grinding wheel, corn sheller, cloth sacks, stove top, chest drawers, band saw, 2 man chain saw, platform scale, mills, trunks, horn seeders, doors, chairs, windows, Dad’s root beer tin sign, old bottles, barn lantern, lamp wall brackets, harness equipment, hay forks and trolley, hay spear, extension ladders, 1962 Mercedes, assorted lumber, tractor tires, IH sickle mower, plows, snow blower, copper boiler, David Bradley garden tractor, fans, jack stands, compressor, 2 point blades, Ritchie cattle fountains, cattle gates, pto generator, fence posts, forge, post vise, anvil, pipe threaders, scythes, 2 man saws, traps, single trees, IH parts, several assorted suitcase weights, Case of Agco anti-freeze, electrical box, and more.
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